City of Užice
December 2020 - 2022
- Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Project - Procurement of the equipment for Early Warning System (EWS) in Užice
The Agency on Hydrometeorology Under the Ministry of Emergency Situation of The Kyrgyz Republic
May 2020 - 2022
- Central Asia Hydrometeorology Modernization - Equipping hydrological observation networks, roads and large cities, glaciers with automatic meteorological stations.
City of Belgrade United Nations Development Program
September 2019 – present
- Climate resilience - Procurement of equipment for water and rain gauge
The Republic Hydrometeorological Institute of Serbia - the national meteorological and hydrological service of Serbia
Septembar 2019 - December 2020
- Project financed by World Bank with Ministry of Agriculture - Serbia National Disaster Risk Management Program
Menex doo
September 2019 – 2021
- Financial and business analysis
- Findings and recommendations for business management improvement
Newmet AG,Switzerland
April 2017 – Jun 2020
- Corporate restructuring
- Financial management
I:Collect GmbH, Germany
November 2015 – December 2020
- Cooperation in developing setup business solution in Serbia to collect used garments
- Supervision, support and management of operational issues
HM Durmitor, Montenegro - company engaged in tourism, hospitality, agriculture and trade.
February 2013 - present
- Strategic alliance in agribusiness sector
- Cooperation in Angus beef breeding
- Cooperation in assets management and capacity optimization
Canamer Winnona, USA,
September 2012 - December 2019
- Forming strategic alliance in modular grain storaging
- Option of equity partnership, leasing arrangement and cash sale
- Assistance in financial structuring
Poliester Grupa, Priboj manufacturer of polyester composite products with production program consisting of products in the areas of transportation, traffic, processing industry, construction, agriculture, waterworks, electro industry, leisure and sport equipment, etc.
March 2013 - December 2016
- Investment and project management assistance for erection of thermo power cogeneration plant with electricity and thermal output
Mesopromet , Bijelo Polje and European Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentMeat production and distribution in Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina
September 2010 – January 2011
- Assistance to sustainable meat production in Montenegro
Cappoto Build Beograd, Company for engineering, design and construction
January 2010 – December 2013
- Financial advisory
Granimpeks Beograd, Trading company for agricultural products
November 2009 - December 2010
- Preparation of Internal Enhacement Plan (IEP)
- Preparation of Investment Plan for building grain drier
Galenika Fitofarmacija, Zemun presentLeader in crop protection in Serbia
Period 2009
- Preparation of internal enhancement plan
- Feasibility study for making registration files for products related to EU standards
- Financial and organizational advisory service
Victoria Group and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Period 2007 - June 2010
- Assistance in the procedure of equity participation of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in Victoria group
- Equity value €40mio
Sojaprotein and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
A member of the Victoria Group
Period 2008 – December 2009
- Providing working capital €30mio
Veterinarian Institute Subotica
A member of the Victoria Group
Period 2008
- Assistance in the procedure of equity participation of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in Victoria group - Equity value €40mio
Veterinarian Institute Subotica
A member of the Victoria Group
September 2007 - March 2008
- Feasibility studies for allocation of Veterinarian Institute Subotica capacities for pesticides and disinfection production in new plant in Srpska Crnja
Victoria Oil with European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
A member of the Victoria Group
Period 2007 – December 2009
- Providing working capital €30mio and refinance of existing €10 mio loan
Papirpak and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Tissue manufacturer
Period 2007 - 2008
- Assisting in Equity increase project in Papirpak
Sojaprotein and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
A member of the Victoria Group
Period 2007 – December 2009
- Providing capital for energy efficiency €5mio for Soja Protein
- Providing working capital €10mio
Part of the Hemofarm
Period 2007- December 2009
- Assisting in Acquisition of Hemofarm part Symbiofarm by Veterinary institute Subotica
Mladost Sid
Victoria Oil
Period 2007
- Providing working capital (€10mio) for Mladost Sid ( Victoria oil)
Vobra Special Petfoods B.V. - part of the Vobra group
Period 2006 – December 2009
- Preparation of Dogs's Favourite business plan
- Assisting in the establishment of Pet food Joint Venture between Vobra Special Petfoods B.V., Larive International and Veterinarian Institute Subotica – strategic and marketing plan for Joint Venture
Victoria Group, Port Backa Palanka
Period 2006 – December 2009
- In cooperation with PM Ireland,
MIGA (World Bank group) and sponsored by EAR creating medium term development plan for industrial park.
AME International GmbH
Representative of AME International for Serbia
Period 2006 – 2008
- Local coordination of possibilities for Soft loan program from Austria helping the development of public sector
- Identification of potential clients/partners
- Monitoring and implementation of projects
Meurrk, Vrnjacka Banja
Special Hospital for Treatment and Rehabilitation
Period 2006 - present
- Feasibility study for privatization (reorganization and financial consolidation )
- Advisor to the Management in the area of arrangements with potential strategic partners
Codrico BV, Holland
Establishment of a Cereal and Pulses Extrusion Unit in Serbia
Period 2006 – 2008
- Assisting in preparation of a business plan for the establishment of Extrusion Unit in Serbia as a JV between Codrico BV, Larive and Sojaprotein ad Becej
- Strategy and main principles of cooperation between Codrico, Larive and Sojaprotein (JV)
General representative and distributor of KENT and SÖLEN - confectionery industry
Period May - August 2006
- Suggestion and implementation of recommendations concerning restructuring and business development
- Suggestion of job classification
- Core and non core business defining
International Finance Corporation
A member of the World Bank Group
Period February - April 2006
- Preparation of the Recycling Sector Assessment Study focusing on the current state of the recycling sector in Serbia and Montenegro
- Assessment of the recycling supply chain
- Review of existing legislative framework
Victoria Soybean Protein Isolates
A value-added investment project financed by Sojaprotein
Period 2006 – December 2009
- Preparation of the feasibility study for an investment and market development in soybean protein isolates
- Market analysis
Victoria Biodiesel
A greenfield investment project financed by Victoria Group
Period 2005 – December 2009
- Preparation of the feasibility study for initiation of biodiesel production in Serbia
- Assessment of the biodiesel industry development in the EU including the review of the regulatory framework
Europanel Team
Panel distributor
Period September 2005 - May 2006
- Assessment of the panel supply chain as raw material for the furniture industry;
- Marketing research study of the customer segments and sales channels.